I wrote these top ten 2012 AJW New Years Resolutions for a podcast interview AJW and I did together with ultrarunnerpodcast.com this week. Check out the podcast interview here. Oh, and if you couldn’t tell, the self-imposed moratorium on poking fun at AJW is over. I really appreciate that AJW The Taker crewed me at Grindstone and transformed himself, at least temporarily, into AJW The Giver. But, this is just too much fun. Thanks to Monkeyboy and my wife for their contributions.
10. After watching how much it helped LB at Grindstone, I will try an ice quad massage at Michigan Bluff during Western States.
9. I vow to be more accepting of other points of view except when it comes to DNFs. Only weak-minded people DNF.
8. I will blog about female ultrarunning at least once a month in 2012.
7. Even though I’m really liking the clown shoes Karl sent me, I promise to go the whole year without changing sponsors.
6. I am going to attempt 24 hours of oral “fasting” on the words “Western States”
5. I resolve not to burnout like a supernova from the manic blogging I’ve been doing at iRunFar and AJW’s blog.
4. I’ll try not to respond to every barb from LB by mentioning the 10 year bet.
3. I promise to take a “family” vacation some place other than Auburn or Silverton.
2. I will crew at least one of my friends this year … at a 100 miler of his or her choice, not mine.
1. Even though this one got me through eight Western States which all but guarantees my ten year buckle, I will buy a new jockstrap this year.
Got anymore for him?
Nice work, Craig. I’m all for number 5! Also, I’m curious as to whether a Jones-Wilkins family stopover in Park City would fulfill resolution 3?
Bryon, these are for him to decide, but I would say that stopping by Park City on his way to or from Hardrock or WS would not fulfill the resolution.
Heard the Podcast yesterday and the list certainly made me smile.
I was laughing until I saw the picture at the end. That’s not funny…yikes.
You outta bury that jockstrap at the graveyard past Michigan Bluff. Gross.
Eric, that is a great idea assuming Ann and Carl are willing. We could have a ceremony and maybe get a bugler to play taps.
Cremation is probably more appropriate. Funeral pyre.
That thing needs a good washing in the sacred waters of the 50 mile spring beforehand lest it cast a foul-smelling stench over the quaint Michigan Bluff community…
That’s a really great list. Good to see the moratorium has ended.
However, what’s sad, and more than a little bit creepy, is that Craig actually has that picture. I mean, c’mon, it’s been on his computer for eight months! Weird…
AJW, make you wonder what else I have?
I do! I do! In addition to loving #8, how about actually reading blogs written by females (and not just the usual suspect elites) so he can actually know what’s happening in the sport from a woman’s perspective? Crazy, I know.
Sophie, judging by his reaction when I read #8 I think the point has been driven home. But I should tell you a story. At Waldo we only offered men’s shirts for the first eight years of the race. Meghan started bugging me about getting women’s shirts several years ago. I always had some excuse but none of them were ever valid. Finally, in 2010 she convinced me to offer women’s shirts and the feedback was very positive. Gretchen Brugman even wrote a blog post about her race shirts for the year and Waldo was her favorite! And, I gotta admit, the women’s shirts look a lot better on women than the men’s shirt. Now we’re thinking of offering something other than a shirt for the women only in 2012. Yeah, sometimes men are just a little slow.
Wow, you really are Old School, Craig. Women’s shirts are a given, don’t you know that? I am glad Meghan set you straight. You need to come run Hellgate one year, then you’ll see tough, fast women running past you on leaf covered rocks! Then I bet you’ll talk about them.
I was considering a return to Waldo this year, Craig. Please tell my you’ll be handing out Waldo skirts at the finishline.
Gretchen, Meghan is working on the skirt deal right now. We’d love to have you and your posse back.
Heh, a bit harsh, but true. I was a little saddened by the lack of eastern and southern female ultra runners mentioned. Obviously I am biased, but not even a mention for Liza Howard’s fairly epic year is a little disheartening
Besides that, the podcast was very entertaining and I always get a kick out of you two.
Tim, yep, we failed to mention Liza. Bandera, Rocky, Javelina. Fast times. Running into the hospital. Not so good.
This jogstrap should be a candidate for 2012 WS: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xp1jSxGOoJc
Well it looks like #7 is down the crapper a whole month into the new year.