Here are ten observations about an ultrarunner who’s kind of a big deal right now.
1. He runs in high heels.
2. He could be a descendant of sasquatch.
3. Hard to keep track of where he lives. Is it California or Colorado?
4. He’s InsideTrail’s ‘little darling.’
5. Because he bailed on them, interviewed me instead.
6. He’s afraid to run when it gets above 90.
7. He’s not on AJW’s 2011 Christmas card list, yet again.
8. In spite of the above, he may actually be named UROY this year – finally.
9. He’s a cunning denizen of the ultra savanna.
10. He’s a centerfold pin up.

Mr Mackey enroute to a new course record at Waldo 100K. Photo by Michael Lebowitz LongRun Picture Co
Did I miss anything?
“Years go by, I’m lookin’ through the ULTRA MAGAZINE! And there’s the Gentle Giant, on the pages in-between!”
Thanks, OOJ. Now I’ll have this song stuck in my head this weekend.
Had it in my head for the whole run last night. Have a “good” weekend! Good luck!
BTW, Dave, we were lobbying hard to get you on the cover of the magazine to no avail. And thanks, Michael Lebowitz, for the great pics.
Mackey’s not our “little darling”. That’s like so “last week” [valley girl voice]. We’re shuffling back over to the Alaskan Beast’s bandwagon now.
Are you still running Grindstone, Craig? Would love to do that race sometime. Seems like a burly course and the start time is brilliant.
Tim, yes, headed to Grindstone next week. Will have the super crew of the Jizzle Wizzle clan since the Jiz is injured. The 6pm start time is going to be interesting and hopefully it will result in my first daylight finish 🙂
Have a good run.
6 pm is an excellent start time for photographers. Perhaps one of those agressive eastern seaboard shooters put the fix in…a daylight finish is also good. finishing is good. Jizzle Wizzle is an unknown clan to me- their tartan is made up licorice sticks and caramel? If they are taking pictures Craig, suggest that they breath out before the press the shutter…it reduces the shuddering so to speak…be easy this weekend…quiet is hard to come by.
1) The only big deal these days is some guy from AK (or CO, or NY??) named for a red flower
2) I am sasquatch-like only on some parts .. like my running posture perhaps
3) I live neither in CO or CA.. I live in the Republics of either Boulder or Marin, depending on my shockra for the week
4) I am only my mommy’s little darling
5) ultrarunnerpodcast.. still waiting to hear back to interview so I can irritate their listeners
6) Turn that 9 over.. I am only afraid to run in 60 degrees F
7) AJW sends me coal instead of a card
8) 2nd rule of fight club: You do not talk about fight club.
9) Agreed .. the savanna is my home.. rrrr!
10) Don’t get the centerfold pages sticky again, Craig!
re #10 – I’m gonna have to ask Tia for another copy.
That’s awesome!….i laughed out loud!
Good picture of you too, Yassine. But, unfortunately, you’re no centerfold pin up like Dave.